This No-Bake, No-Fuss Cake Is Taking The Internet By Storm!
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A Stupendous Treat For The Family That You Can Make In Minutes
The other day I had such a craving for cake! Does it ever happen to you; you think of something delicious and suddenly you want it so bad that your mouth starts to water and you can’t think of anything else until you’ve made the dish? It wasn’t just any cake I wanted – I had to have ice cream cake. Which is kind of weird, since it’s usually considered a summer dessert!
Fortunately I already had a recipe in mind. This awesome, super fast ice cream cake from Stuffed At The Gill’s is just perfect for those moments when the craving hits you like a lightning. No oven needed, only 5 simple ingredients. The hardest part is to let the cake freeze completely, after putting it together!
This recipe will give you a number of completely different kinds of cakes. Just by changing the ice cream flavor and sandwich cookies, you’ll get more flavors than you’ve ever dreamed of. I guess that’s why it’s one of my favorites! I’ve made it twice already, and I’m already thinking of making it again!
Recipe and image courtesy of Stuffed At The Gill’s.
Quick Tip: Remove ice cream from deep freezer for a few minutes before using it in the recipe.