Green And Red Holiday Cookies With Yummy M&Ms!
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Argo cornstarch, baking powder, baking soda, barilla pasta, Bertolli extra-virgin olive oil, black pepper, Bob's Red Mill, Borden, brown sugar, Campbell’s soups, casserole, Chiquita, Clabber Girl, College Inn, cookies, Cool Whip, crock pot, Daisy sour cream, dessert, Dole, domino sugar, eat, Eggland's Best eggs, fisher nuts, food, Gold Medal flour, granulated sugar, Green Giant, Hershey, Hodgkin’s Mill, Jell-O, Jif peanut butter, Johnsonville, keebler, Kerrygold butter, kosher salt, Kraft, land o lakes butter, Libby, m&ms, McCormick spices, Morton salt, Pam Cooking Spray, Pepperidge Farm, Philadelphia cream cheese, Powdered sugar, recipe, red and green, Ritz crackers, Sara Lee, Sargento, slow cooker, Thorn Apple Valley, Toll House, TruMoo milk, tyson, vanilla, vanilla extract, Vlasic, Wesson vegetable oil, whipped topping
Christmas is the time for lots of baking.
Whether it be cakes, cookies, breads, truffles, pies, or anything else, everything is especially delicious during this time of year. Now, my absolute favorite baked good during Christmas time is a good ole’ Christmas cookie.
Nothing beats the idea of a toasty, warm cookie with some milk, or maybe even hot chocolate to dip in. It really gets me in the Christmas spirit. These cookies are perfect to make with children.
Just for reference, Sants devours them over at my house. 😉 Encourage your kids to make these for Santa this year. He’s going to love them, and you’re going to love how easy they are!
Quick Tip: Use different colored M&M’s to change the colors of the cookies