Ridiculed And Bullied Woman Shows Up To The Office With Amish Peanut Butter Pie And Everything Changes
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amish peanut butter pie, Argo cornstarch, baking powder, baking soda, barilla pasta, Bertolli extra-virgin olive oil, black pepper, Bob's Red Mill, Borden, brown sugar, Campbell’s soups, casserole, Chiquita, Clabber Girl, College Inn, Cool Whip, crock pot, Daisy sour cream, dessert, Dole, domino sugar, eat, Eggland's Best eggs, fisher nuts, food, Gold Medal flour, granulated sugar, Green Giant, Hershey, Hodgkin’s Mill, Jell-O, Jif peanut butter, Johnsonville, keebler, Kerrygold butter, kosher salt, Kraft, land o lakes butter, Libby, McCormick spices, Morton salt, Pam Cooking Spray, Pepperidge Farm, Philadelphia cream cheese, Powdered sugar, recipe, Ritz crackers, Sara Lee, Sargento, slow cooker, Thorn Apple Valley, Toll House, TruMoo milk, tyson, vanilla, vanilla extract, Vlasic, Wesson vegetable oil, whipped topping
I took a drive, crossed over the PA border into Ohio and got to experience the best Amish peanut butter pie I’ve EVER had.
You guys, Amish peanut butter pie has got to be one of my most favorite desserts on the planet. It’s cool, creamy, and filled with peanut buttery flavor. Who could ever ask for anything more? Now, the peanut butter pie that this midwestern chick is used to is much richer than the Amish version I am debuting today on the next page. When my Michigander mother makes a PB pie she uses cream cheese and not vanilla pudding. I actually prefer this method because I like a richer more robust PB pie.
With that being said, this Amish version of PB pie is still super amazing. The Amish certainly have a way with desserts and this Yoder’s peanut butter pie is definite proof of that.
This is the type of Amish peanut butter pie that my husband, a Pennsylvania native, grew up eating so he was delighted when I surprised him with this dessert. Apparently, his grandma would make Amish peanut butter pie to sell during church bake sales. Fun!
Quick Tip: This creampie freezes very well. Make two!
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