Couple Married For 55 Years Makes Creamy Chicken Macaroni Salad Together
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Argo cornstarch, baking powder, baking soda, barilla pasta, Bertolli extra-virgin olive oil, black pepper, Bob's Red Mill, Borden, brown sugar, Campbell’s soups, casserole, Chiquita, Clabber Girl, College Inn, Cool Whip, creamy chicken macaroni salad, crock pot, Daisy sour cream, dessert, Dole, domino sugar, eat, Eggland's Best eggs, fisher nuts, food, Gold Medal flour, granulated sugar, Green Giant, Hershey, Hodgkin’s Mill, Jell-O, Jif peanut butter, Johnsonville, keebler, Kerrygold butter, kosher salt, Kraft, land o lakes butter, Libby, McCormick spices, Morton salt, Pam Cooking Spray, Pepperidge Farm, Philadelphia cream cheese, Powdered sugar, recipe, Ritz crackers, Sara Lee, Sargento, slow cooker, Thorn Apple Valley, Toll House, TruMoo milk, tyson, vanilla, vanilla extract, Vlasic, Wesson vegetable oil, whipped topping
When it comes to creamy chicken macaroni salad my family is crawling with people who go crazy for the stuff.
Seriously, we can’t have a picnic or family dinner without creamy chicken macaroni salad. Now, the way I learned to make mac salad was with a more savory sauce as that’s the way we midwesterners do it. However, my darling husband is from Pennsylvania and the way folks over yonder make mac sauce is with a ton of sugar.
I don’t particularly like this method. Ok, I HATE this method lol! So, I needed to come up with a compromise to appease both of our tastes. Plus, I now live in PA so whenever I make macaroni salad it better have sugar in it or nobody will eat it haha!
This recipe I am sharing with you all today is for creamy chicken macaroni salad. I really don’t care if you are a savory or sweet mac salad lover you are going to chow this salad down so quickly that you won’t even have time to burp.
Quick Tip: I like to toss in some broccoli and cauliflower florets from time to time when making this salad.
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