Don’t Let Their Looks Fool You, These Are Totally Delicious
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About a couple of years ago during the holiday season, Panera Bread debuted a new line of cookies: holiday red velvet crinkle cookies. They were as chocolatey as red velvet can be, filled with lots of white chocolate chips, then crinkled up as they baked and dusted with powdered sugar. They were the perfect combination (and ratios!) of sweet to chocolatey to red for the amazing red velvet! They were quite a hit and we went almost daily to pick up a few of those cookies and bring them home.
Fast forward a year or two and they do not serve them anymore. I guess we were the only faithful customers for those amazing red velvet cookies. So, I decided we had to do something about it. Instead of complaining to Panera Bread, we decided we would make them at home. We realized they were super easy to make with just a couple of other ingredients besides a boxed cake mix and we had great cookies in the end. So, with that great experience, I decided to play around with other flavors. I discovered that chocolate crinkle cookies taste just as great, and look even better than the red velvet.
Photo and recipe courtesy of The Baking Chocola-tess.
Quick Tip: Serve these with a bowl of strawberries.
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