Brown Sugar What? Tell Me More!
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Argo cornstarch, baking powder, baking soda, barilla pasta, Bertolli extra-virgin olive oil, black pepper, Bob's Red Mill, Borden, brown sugar, brown sugar cookies, Campbell’s soups, casserole, Chiquita, cinnamon, Clabber Girl, College Inn, cookies, cooking spray, Cool Whip, crock pot, Daisy sour cream, dessert, Dole, domino sugar, eat, Eggland's Best eggs, food, Gold Medal flour, granulated sugar, Green Giant, Hershey, Hodgkin’s Mill, honey, Jell-O, Jif peanut butter, Johnsonville, keebler, kosher salt, Kraft, land o lakes butter, Libby, McArthur milk, McCormick spices, Morton salt, Pam Cooking Spray, pecans, Pepperidge Farm, Philadelphia cream cheese, Powdered sugar, recipe, Ritz crackers, Sara Lee, Sargento, slow cooker, sugar cookies, Thorn Apple Valley, Toll House, TruMoo milk, tyson, vanilla, vanilla extract, Vlasic, Wesson vegetable oil, whipped topping
Chocolate cookies are the way to go in my home. I mean, chocolate chip cookies, double chocolate chunk, Reese’s, anything goes really! We were never fans of sugar cookies, but give them a chance every now and then. Last week, I decided to try a not so traditional sugar cookie. It was a brown sugar cookie. Seems a bit strange, but I love brown sugar more than white sugar so I figured I would give it a go.
And guess what? They were gooood. They were fluffy, soft and had loads of sugary goodness in them. They were warm out of the oven and had a lovely crunch in them. The brown sugar really changes the texture of them, but for the better. After enjoying a whole batch on my own, I made another and took them over to my neighbor Anne’s house. She and her boys at home ate them all throughout the time I was there. But she gave me a great serving suggestion! They served it with vanilla caramel gelato and it was the perfect combination to enjoy with these cookies. You could also have them with a cup of coffee for another great afternoon treat. Either way, you are going to enjoy these.
Photo and recipe courtesy of Simply Stacie.
Quick Tip: Use light or dark brown sugar for this.
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