Forget Traditional Cucumber Salads! Add Some Bacon!
Argo cornstarch, bacon, baking powder, baking soda, barilla pasta, Bertolli extra-virgin olive oil, black pepper, Bob's Red Mill, brown sugar, Clabber Girl, College Inn, Cool Whip, cucumber salad, cucumbers, domino sugar, eat, Eggland's Best eggs, food, garlic powder, Gold Medal flour, granulated sugar, Green Giant, Hellman's mayonnaise, Hershey, Jell-O, Jif peanut butter, Johnsonville, kosher salt, Kraft, land o lakes butter, McCormick spices, Morton salt, Pam Cooking Spray, Pepperidge Farm, Philadelphia cream cheese, Powdered sugar, recipe, Sargento, sea salt, Thorn Apple Valley, Toll House, tomatoes, TruMoo milk, tyson, vanilla, vanilla extract, Vlasic, Wesson vegetable oil, whipped topping
Now that it’s summer, I keep seeing recipes for cucumber salads. They look light and refreshing and all, but you know what I really need? Bacon. Yes, like many people I’m a bacon fanatic and I believe it really could be added to anything. In fact, last Christmas my family got my bacon lip gloss. Surprisingly, you can’t add bacon flavor to lip gloss. Well, you can, but you shouldn’t. However, you really can’t go wrong adding bacon to a recipe, am I right?
There’s something about pairing the saltiness of bacon with the refreshing lightness of cucumbers that really drives a one-two punch for this recipe. You’ll get the feeling of a traditional cucumber salad, but a salty flavor that will WOW your taste buds. Perhaps it’s your body knowing how good for you cucumbers are, but how sinful bacon can be.
Recipe and photo courtesy of Simply Healthy Home.
Quick Tip – Prepare all ingredients before hand, but heat the bacon and stir into salad right before serving for a fun warm/cold mixture.
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